
Food Flavor And Fragrance Analysis Image - LECO Corporation

Flavor/fragrance analysis in food and other substances presents unique challenges, including the large number of compounds contributing to the flavor profile and the poor correlation between analyte concentration and odor contribution. LECO instrumentation provides the superior resolution and wide dynamic range necessary to separate, quantify, and identify the most complex aroma and flavor compounds—allowing you to solve more analytical challenges than ever before.

To learn more, click here to access recorded webinars presented by food/flavor/fragrance expert Ray Marsili.

Product Spotlight

Provides full-range mass sensitivity and mass spectral acquisition rates of up to 500 spectra/second

Pegasus 4D GCxGC-TOFMS
Four dimensions of analytical resolution offer more complete analysis of the most complex samples

Pegasus GC-HRT
GC/MS with industry-leading resolution for high-throughput, high-information content analysis

Pegasus GC-HRT 4D
GCxGC high resolution MS provides unprecedented ability to investigate complex sample and identify unknown analytes
