Application Support



LECO offers laboratory services exclusively to current and potential customers to ensure the right instrument will be used for the right application before a purchase is made. After the sale, our application experts continue to assist customers by answering application questions and developing new application notes.

Sample Submissions
Contact and submit your samples to your sales representative and our laboratory scientist will perform an analysis using the instruments and conditions you request. You'll know exactly how our instruments will respond to your analysis, making your purchasing decisions a little easier. Since LECO's laboratory services are available exclusively to current and potential LECO customers, you can be certain your analysis is given complete attention by our experts.

Have a technical application question?
For analytical products, call our Technical Services Laboratory at 1-269-982-2277, or click here.

For real-world application information using our products, please check out the following:
Performance Notes | Application Snapshots | Articles & References | Training